Tufts University Fact Book
The Tufts University Fact Book is a compilation of university information and statistics including historical trends, programs, students, faculty and staff, finance, facilities, and alumni data.
Welcome to the redesigned University Fact Book! While the format has changed this year, the key sections remain the same: Students, Faculty and Staff, Finance, Facilities, and Alumni data. Dashboards will be published as data becomes available, allowing a more timely and user-friendly way to explore Tufts data. Although some tables may appear slightly different compared to previous editions, the data definitions and reporting methodologies have been preserved for nearly all metrics. Any deviations in reporting are explained in the footnotes.
The Student section of the Fact Book contains data on five distinct areas: Admissions, Enrollment, Tuition, Financial Aid, Degrees Awarded. Each section offers current and historical views of data across the institution.
Admissions (Dashboard, last updated March, 2025)
Enrollment (Dashboard, last updated February, 2025)
Degrees Awarded (PDF, last updated December, 2023)
Retention & Graduation Rates (Dashboard, last updated February, 2025)
The University Staff section contains information on both faculty and staff. The Faculty section provides current and historical faculty data with breakouts by school, race/ethnicity, gender, and full-time/part-time status. Information by rank and tenure status is also included. The Staff section presents an annual summary as well as trends over time, including breakouts by administrative division, race/ethnicity, gender, and full-time/part-time status.
Paid Personnel (PDF, last updated March, 2024)
Paid Faculty by Department (PDF, last updated March, 2024)
Faculty by Rank and Tenure Status (PDF, last updated March, 2024)
Average Full-time Faculty Salary (PDF, last updated March, 2024)
International Faculty, Researchers and Scholars by Country (PDF, last updated March, 2024)
The Facilities section contains data on Residential Housing, Building Square Footage, Library Statistics, and Sustainability data.
Residential Housing (PDF, last updated January, 2024)
Areas and Square Footage (PDF, last updated January, 2024)
The Finance Section includes Operating Budgets by School, Endowment data, and Sponsored Research data.
This section includes statistics on Tufts Alumni.
Older Fact Books can be found on the Tufts Archival Research Center (TARC) website.
If there is additional information you would like to see included, please contact the Office of Institutional Research and we will make every effort to incorporate it into future editions.
It is our belief that this information should be available to anyone interested in Tufts University. Wherever possible, we have provided columns of historical data in order to allow the reader to compare the most recent information. Earlier editions of the Fact Book can be found on the Tufts Archival Research Center (TARC) website.
Various University departments assist in the collection and verification of many of the facts presented here. We wish to thank everyone who assisted in this production for their cooperation and patience. As always, we encourage your comments and suggestions.
Accessibility of technology and digital content is an evolving and ongoing process, and we are open to learning about new ways to improve how we are progressing. Submit accessibility challenges encountered on our page or send us general feedback at instresearch@tufts.edu.