T10 Strategic Planning Process
We are pleased to announce that on November 2, 2013 the Board of Trustees approved the T10 Strategic Plan. Since the release of the T10 Strategic Plan, the Office of the Provost in collaboration with students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and friends from around the university have begun to implement Strategic Planning Initiatives such as Tufts 1+4 and Bridge Professorships.
Who is leading this initiative?
President Monaco has asked Provost Harris to lead the strategic planning process. Together with Executive Vice President Patricia Campbell, they will act as the executive committee overseeing the development of the plan.
A steering committee provided guidance in directing the efforts of various working groups and subcommittees. The steering committee was instrumental in assessing the working group and core committee reports and in developing recommendations for the executive committee to review and approve. In addition to the executive and steering committees, Provost Harris convened an ad hoc Board of Trustee committee to offer ongoing consultation on the development of the plan.
Who is this plan for?
The strategic plan is for the entire Tufts community—faculty, staff, students, alumni, parents, benefactors, and friends. It is for everyone who wants to see the university set out in new directions while remaining true to its core mission, values, and traditions.
How will information for the plan be generated?
We will leverage Tufts’ sizable intellectual capital and deep institutional knowledge to develop this blueprint for Tufts. It is important to strike the right balance between proceeding slowly enough to allow for sufficient consultation and input, and quickly enough to sustain the momentum generated by the strategic planning process through the implementation of new and revised initiatives that will be outlined in the plan.
During Phase I of the strategic planning process several working groups and committees consisting of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and parents nominated by the Deans of each school and representing the three campuses, were created to form the backbone of the initial stage of the process. Full details regarding the Core Committees and Working Groups can be found here. The information from the Core Committees and Working Groups was used by the Steering Committee to draft a Prelude to the Strategic Plan document that was the basis for public comment. The Prelude document was not a draft of the plan, but a preliminary document designed to stimulate conversation and solicit community feedback. Phase II centered around creating a Draft: T10 Strategic Plan informed by input from faculty, staff, students, and community members both to the Prelude document and gathered through two series of focus groups and community discussions. After another round of community feedback and discussion surrounding the Draft: T10 Strategic Plan the full plan was drafted. The T10 Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on November 2, 2013. Since the release of the T10 Strategic Plan in November 2013, the Office of the Provost in collaboration with students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and friends from around the university have begun to implement T10 Initiatives.
Ongoing Monitoring and Review of the T10 Strategic Plan
The T10 Strategic Plan is designed as a living document that will undergo periodic review and updating as circumstances evolve. The progress of the initiatives identified in the Plan will be carefully monitored by defined metrics and will be reported on in an annual update to the community.