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Creating and nurturing inclusive communities relies on inquiry, empathy, and discourse. Tufts Talks Openly invites students, faculty, and staff to engage in learning and dialogue across our differences so that together, we create the culture we need to produce relevant research, informed citizens, and responsible leaders who make the future brighter.


Training Opportunities

Feedback and Input


Featured Series

Dialogue & Action in an Age of Divides

This series features conversations among colleagues from across nine Massachusetts universities in the spirit of tackling difficult issues and modeling constructive dialogue. After each online panel, Tufts hosts a campus viewing and discussion event for community members to engage more deeply with the topics discussed.


Global Tufts Month Logo, which features a globe that is the Tufts blue and has the elephant mascot on it

Global Tufts Month 2024: Humanitarian Aid: Working Together in Times of Conflict

In times of conflict, complex emergencies, political instability, and environmental disasters, the Tufts community has consistently united to help with humanitarian aid programs that save lives, alleviate suffering, and preserve human dignity. Throughout March, events will spotlight initiatives aimed at alleviating the global impact of these challenges on well-being across various spheres.

Training Opportunities

Feedback and Input

Feedback and Input

If you have questions, feedback, or ideas about Tufts Talks Openly, you are invited to share them and a member of the university’s Coordinating Response Team will follow up with you.

News and Announcements

Two of the STEP fellows, Muna and Sarah, while working on their graduate degrees during the pandemic.

Science Education to Bridge Divides in the Middle East

Program co-founded by Tufts professor pairs Palestinian and Israeli graduate students to work together toward their degrees
The five discussants from the "Constructive Dialogue in the Age of Social Media" event on April 2 sit around a table.

Empowerment, Community, and Empathy in the Social Media Era

A cross-university initiative convenes scholars on how to navigate—and benefit from—these highly divisive platforms.
Amer F. Ahmed, the vice provost for diversity, equity, and inclusion and chief diversity officer at the University of Vermont, sits outside on a bench and smiles at the camera.

What Do You Know about Islamophobia?

Amer F. Ahmed talks about the misconceptions that fuel discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians.
Eli Cohn-Postell, director of organizational development at Project Shema, speaks to attendees of “Understanding Antisemitism: Creating Inclusive Campus Environments for our Jewish Community.”

Understanding Antisemitism to Create Allies

A workshop offered the Tufts community a chance to learn more about Jewish identity and the history of antisemitism.

Coming Together Across Difference

The second event in a new, cross-university series offered inspiration for dialogues that ‘enable peace while honoring difference’