Kevin Dunn
Vice Provost for Faculty
As Vice Provost for Faculty, Kevin works closely with the Provost and Senior Vice President to ensure the successful recruitment, retention, and development of faculty across the university. He assists with dean searches, tenure and promotion reviews, department chair training and support, and faculty policy oversight, in addition to overseeing Tufts Archival Research Center along with the Tufts Library Committee.
Outside of his role as vice provost, Kevin is a long-term faculty member and currently holds two faculty appointments as an associate professor of English and an associate professor of religion. Since joining Tufts over twenty years ago, he has served as the dean of academic affairs for the School of Arts and Sciences and dean of the College of Special Studies. Kevin earned his Ph.D. in Renaissance studies from Yale University and he has published writing on a variety of topics in Renaissance poetry, prose and drama, and Biblical literature. His present book project, entitled Figures of Speech: The Representation of Counsel in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, studies the intersection of drama and politics in Renaissance England.