UIT 2008 Summer Institute for Teaching & Learning with Technology
"Fostering Integrative Learning through Educational Technology"
Tuesday, May 20 – Friday, May 23, Medford Campus
Application Deadline was Friday, March 21, 2008.
This year’s UIT Summer Institute focuses on integrative learning – the ability for students to make, recognize and evaluate connections among disparate concepts, fields, or contexts. Each day of the institute will focus on a different topic related to integrative leaning: morning sessions will focus on pedagogy and the afternoon sessions will explore how educational technologies can be used to provide students with opportunities for integrative learning.
Featured speakers include:
Richard Gale, professor of theater and multidisciplinary arts, former Senior Scholar in the Liberal Education Program at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and former Director of The Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) Higher Education Program.
Peggy Maki, a consultant specializing in the integration of assessment into education.
Sarah Robbins, an instructor and consultant in social learning communities.
Attending faculty will receive UIT staff assistance with instructional strategy decisions, assessment methods, technology and resource choices, and course material transformation.
Please direct questions regarding this event to Rebecca Sholes at Rebecca.sholes@tufts.edu.