Past University Wide Teaching Conferences
2024 - Reconnecting, Reengaging, and Cultivating Relationships Keynote Speaker: Harriet L. Schwartz, PhD, Professor of Relational Practice and Higher Education, Antioch University Keynote title: Navigating a New Landscape: Connected Teaching in Times of Stress and Rapid Change Relationships are at the heart of teaching and learning. Connection and engagement with our learning, our scholarship and each other are essential components of the Tufts community. Yet, in today’s world there are so many factors that inhibit or disrupt deep and meaningful connections, resulting in faculty and students feeling disconnected from each other and at times, less engaged with their work. In response, forging stronger and more buoyant connections presents a unique opportunity to cultivate relationships in and out of the classroom, clinic, or lab that energize us and fuel our sense of efficacy and worth, and recognize those same attributes in each other. At this year’s teaching conference, we will explore how to re-engage in our work, re-connect with each other in ways that value and nurture our relationships within a greater learning community. In doing so, we may recover the joy, meaning, and fulfillment that we derive as educators and lifelong learners, together. Boston Campus |
35th University-Wide Teaching Conference2023 - Learning Through Experience Keynote Panel: Bringing the Classroom into the World: A Conversation Among Practitioners
The Tufts mission and vision statement states our commitment to providing transformative educational experiences for our students, and our aspiration to graduate students who distinguish themselves as active citizens of the world. Across the University there are examples transformative learning experiences both in and outside the classroom. In this year’s University-wide Teaching Conference, we will explore community-engaged learning opportunities that currently exist, and consider how we can expand and improve these rich learning opportunities for our students. We will share effective strategies for structuring these experiences to facilitate both student learning and community partnership. Grafton Campus |
34th University-Wide Teaching Conference2022 - Learning Assessment, Evaluation & Grading: Are We Doing Justice? The challenges of the past few years, while difficult, prompted meaningful dialogue and critical reflection on the role and limitations of our current practices of assessment, evaluation and grading. Our long-held assumptions about teaching and learning were challenged, both because of the shift to remote teaching and because of our desire for equity, inclusion and justice. An ever expanding body of literature on assessment from an array of disciplines and written through the lens of equity, inclusion and justice, further informed changes in thinking about assessment in higher education. We became curious about questions like:
Faculty in New England and across the world responded with creativity, innovation, and experimentation, sparked by reflection on these and other questions.This year’s conference is an opportunity to share some of our work, and to extend and build on our inquiries and experiences. Virtual Conference |
33rd University-Wide Teaching Conference2021 - Disruption, Resilience, and Transformation: What's Next for Learning and Teaching? Conference Goal: To collectively envision how the experiences of the past year will transform teaching and learning moving forward. We have had to grapple with many things this year – learning new technologies and how to best leverage them for learning, new pedagogical approaches for synchronous and asynchronous learning, antiracism, inclusion, and equity. And importantly, we learned how essential it is to attend to our own and the mental health needs of our students. Virtual Conference |
32nd University-wide Teaching Conference2019 - Getting to Know You: The Faculty/Student Connection The current generations of mid-career and senior faculty grew up in what might be considered an old school environment, complete with old school professional values and behaviors. In contrast, today's students and young faculty approach work as a finite activity (with fixed boundaries), and place greater priority on non-work activities and a more balanced lifestyle. These generational differences in values and in daily functioning have huge ramifications for the learning environment and the workplace. When either generation fails to maintain awareness of these differences, and to adjust and accommodate to the other generation, the resulting clash can be highly disruptive. This presentation will focus on the Millennial and post-Millennial (“Gen Z”) generations and establishing effective teacher-learner relationships. This presentation will reveal opportunities for improved communication, teaching, and mentoring. Grafton Campus |
31st University-wide Teaching Conference2018 - Motivation and Engagement in Teaching and Learning: We're All in This Together Keynote Speaker Day 2: Dr. Susan Robison, Ph.D
30th University-wide Teaching Conference2017 - Fostering Active & Collaborative Learning Environments: From Design to Assessment Keynote Speaker Day 2: Rebecca Kammer, OD, PhD, Diplomate Low Vision, FAAO, Colleges of Optometry Boston Health Sciences Campus |
29th University-wide Teaching Conference2016 - Inclusive Excellence: Teaching and Learning in an Increasingly Interconnected World Keynote Speaker Day 1: Derek Bruff, PhD, Director, Center for Teaching, Mathematics Professor, Vanderbilt University Keynote Speaker Day 2: Dr. Lee Knefelkamp, Professor of Psychology and Education, Teachers Collects, Columbia University Medford Campus |
28th University-wide Teaching ConferenceDec 2014 - Is it on the test?: Transforming Teaching, Transforming Learning Grafton Campus |
27th University-wide Teaching Conference2013 - The Science of Learning & The Art of Teaching Keynote Panel: Daniel Willingham, Donna Qualters, David Hammer, & Holly Taylor Medford Campus |
26th University-wide Teaching Conference2012 - Engage and Inspire Learning through Teamwork Panel Presentation & Discussion: Approaches to Teamwork in Different Educational Settings |
25th University-wide Teaching ConferenceDec 2011 - Classrooms without Borders: Using Blended Learning to Extend the Classroom Experience Grafton Campus |
24th University-wide Teaching ConferenceDec 2010 - Really Fabulous, Out-of-the-Box, Practical Ways to Enhance Your Medford Campus |
23rd University-wide Teaching Conference2009 - Beyond Student Evaluation of Teaching: Peer to Peer Exchanges |
22nd University-wide Teaching Conference2008 - Beyond Student Evaluation of Teaching: Peer to Peer Exchanges |
21st University-wide Teaching Conference2007 - Overcoming Barriers to Student Success |
20th University-wide Teaching Conference2006 - Considering Ethics in Teaching, Learning, and Research |
2005 - Learning Assessment Challenges and Solutions |
2004 - Is Everybody Learning? Teaching in the Diverse Classroom |
2003 - Matching Assessment Strategies to Learner Needs |
2002 - On the Road to Internet2 |
2001 -How to Success Stories at Tufts: Teaching Tips to Use Now |
2000 - Making Oral Presentations: Some Lessons for Teachers |
1999 - The Brain, Technology, And The Person: Some Lessons For Teachers |
1999 - Teaching Opportunities and Challenges: Old and New |
1998 - Stand and Deliver: Teaching Oral Presentation Skills in Different Contexts |
1998 - Let’s Talk About Teaching |
1997 - Let’s Talk About the Teaching and Learning of Critical Thinking |
1997 - Let’s Talk About Teaching and Technology |
1996 - Let’s Talk About Teaching |
1996 - Enhancing Teaching at Tufts |
1995 - Let’s Talk About Teaching |
1995 - Teaching Your Best in Small and Large Groups |
1994 - Enhancing Teaching at Tufts |