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In addition to semester-long student-faculty partnerships, the Pedagogical Partnership Program (P3) allows faculty to engage in briefer, more targeted partnerships with students by working with a P3 Student Ambassador. Student Ambassadors provide faculty with just-in-time feedback regarding pedagogy as tailored to the faculty’s specific needs. For example, a Student Ambassador can:

  • Review syllabi for tone, clarity, and utility for students
  • Review course policies for inclusion, equity, and transparency 
  • Observe a class session and offer feedback on instructor facilitation, content organization, classroom dynamics, student engagement/participation, etc.
  • Meet for a consultation on various teaching challenges

Murilo Mascarenhas P3 Ambassador PhotoMurilo Mascarenhas is serving as Student Ambassador in Fall 2025. 

Murilo (they/them) is from Sorocaba, Brazil, and is interested in art therapy for adults. They're a senior in Child Studies and Human Development and have been involved with P3 since 2022. Their interest in supporting professors through a student perspective only grew since then, hoping to add creative and science-based approaches. Apart from P3, they enjoy performing with the Jumbo Drag Collective, meditating with the Tufts Buddhist Sangha, and planning their upcoming position as an art instructor in the Eliot School of Arts in Jamaica Plain. Murilo taught their art course in Brazil, the U.S., and Japan, and hopes to expand their facilitating experiences beyond.

If you are interested in working with Murilo, please fill out this form