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The Summer 2024 course design institute will run Monday August 5th - Thursday August 8th, 9am-4pm.

Register by July 15th for this institute online here.

Doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars that are currently teaching or preparing to teach are invited to register.

Join a community of innovative instructors to rethink your course design through an inclusive, learner-centered framework. Discover evidence-based teaching methods and assessments which foster students and instructors’ wellbeing. Participants will receive access to a Canvas site with all course materials and a hard copy of the text Learning that matters: A field guide to course design for transformative education (2021).

In this four day institute you will:

  1. Develop inclusive, learner-centered course outcomes to guide the design of the course

  2. Identify evidence-based teaching methods, learning activities, and assessments which equitably support learners in achieving course outcomes

  3. Create an inclusive and welcoming syllabus for your course


  • Day 1: Who am I? Who are my learners?
  • Day 2: Backward course design & alignment
  • Day 3: Inclusive teaching methods and assessment
  • Day 4: Pulling it all together, an inclusive course syllabus

This institute will be hosted in person on the Medford campus. If being in-person precludes you from participating, we will provide a Zoom link which you can use to join the in-person sessions. While we will do our best to be inclusive, we cannot promise equivalent experiences for those joining remotely.

CELT’s Asynchronous Canvas Course Design Tutorial

The Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) created this tutorial to guide you through the process of designing a new course or revising an existing course with a lens of inclusive, learner-centered teaching. This asynchronous and unmoderated course is designed to model design features and tools you may wish to include in your own course.  It will also provide you with the opportunity to experience the perspective of being a student in an online course.  Instructors at Tufts can access this tutorial at any time and from anywhere - click here for the link to view the course within Canvas and enroll yourself.


Past participants have said:

"It will change the way I design courses. My course design has usually been driven by readings I plan to assign and topics I feel I ought to cover. Thinking in terms of overriding goals and objectives has been very helpful."

"I will also change the way I do assessment. I had thought of assessment strictly in terms of providing a grade. Now I am thinking of non-graded assessment that give me a better sense of what students have learned and what they are struggling with."

"[This workshop was strong because of it's] excellent materials and activities. Very fine presentation of content. Excellent teachers! Also, the really great group of people from many departments- a thrill to meet and work together!"

For more information, contact

For a participant perspective on the program, contact any of the past CDI participants.

