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International Centers and Institutes

Institute for Global Leadership

Prepares new generations of critical thinkers for effective and ethical national and international leadership. The mission of the Institute is accomplished through its intensive engagement of students in classes, global research, internships, workshops, simulations and international symposia — all involving national and international leaders from both the public and private sectors.

Talloires European Center

Offers academic programs for college undergraduates, high school students, alumni and adult learners. Hosts a variety of international conferences, all of which aid in facilitating and promoting international understanding. The European Center is based on the University’s campus in Talloires, France.

Alan Shawn Feinstein International Famine Center

Improves humanitarian, relief and refugee efforts in times of famine, war and complex emergencies.

Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies

Creates an academic environment for the promotion of greater understanding of the rich heritage of the Eastern Mediterranean, and of the significant challenges this region faces at the beginning of the 21st century.

Center for South Asian and Indian Ocean Studies

Promotes scholarly understanding of South Asian history, political economy, and foreign policy, as well as the civilization and economy of the Indian Ocean region.

Center for International Environmental and Resource Policy

Integrates emerging science, engineering, and business concepts with more traditional subjects such as economics, international law and policy, negotiation, diplomacy, resource management and governance systems to provide an interdisciplinary approach to education at The Fletcher School.

Nutrition and Aging

Alan Shawn Feinstein International Famine Center

Improves humanitarian, relief and refugee efforts in times of famine, war and complex emergencies.

Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA)

One of six human nutrition research centers throughout the world, the HNRCA conducts the world’s most advanced studies on nutrition and aging. Center researchers explore the relationship between nutrition and the aging process, and investigate the many age-related physiologic changes that can affect the dietary requirements of older adults.

Center for Physical Fitness

Disseminates research on nutrition and exercise and makes sound, research-based exercise and nutrition programs available to the public.

Center on Nutrition Communication

Supports the dissemination of accurate and timely nutrition information across a range of audiences, using traditional and innovative technologies; researches activities that will improve the ability to influence human behavior and promote healthy lifestyles.

Center on Hunger, Poverty and Nutrition Policy

Houses the research and action programs of the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; addresses topics on food and nutrition policy, hunger, poverty, and food security in the United States.

Tufts University Nutrition and HIV Research Program

Studies the role of nutrition in the lives of people with HIV and other diseases.

Center on Agriculture, Food, and Environment

Addresses community food security through agriculture by developing direct farmer-to-consumer links, improving access to high-quality food for city residents, and supporting growers who practice environmentally responsible agriculture.

Family, Community and Education

Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development

Creates programs and projects that use the framework of applied developmental science to promote healthy, positive development among diverse children, adolescents, families, and communities.

Center for Applied Child Development

Offers high quality, customized professional development and consultation in public and private schools.

Eliot-Pearson Children’s School

Serves children from 2.9-to-8 years of age, preschool to second grade; reflects a developmental approach to education. Through spontaneous, structured and integrated play opportunities teachers and children encourage problem-solving, creativity, and learning in a wide range of curricular areas.

Tufts Educational Day Care Center

Offers innovative year-round, full-day educational pre-school and kindergarten programs for children within the Tufts community and in its surrounding cities.

Center for Academic Excellence

Provides Tufts faculty with the support and resources necessary to enhance the quality of scholarship and teaching.

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

Encourages and initiates multidisciplinary dialogue and practicums necessary to nurture new approaches to curriculum, pedagogy, research and outreach; builds links between programs and develops new courses; trains faculty to use interdisciplinary approaches in the classroom, sponsors speakers and conferences, and promotes interdisciplinary research.

Center for Engineering Educational Outreach

Coordinates engineering and education experts with teachers to design engineering standards-based curricula into the K-12 classroom; increases the engineering, science, and design literacy of the public.

Center for Reading and Language Research

Conducts multi-disciplinary, cutting-edge research on reading, language, and dyslexia, and applies this knowledge to enhance the lives of children; offers cutting-edge research in cognitive neuroscience to increase understanding of reading development and reading disorders.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Offers alumni, community residents and friends the opportunity to return to the classroom with on-campus study groups and online distance learning courses.

Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching

The university-wide center for teaching and learning, CELT collaborates among campuses to promote faculty excellence. The center facilitates faculty professional development through seminars and workshops, offers individual faculty consultations, and provides electronic and print resources to support faculty programs.

Medicine, Science and Technology

Gordon Institute

Educates and transforms technical professionals into technical leaders who have the ability to manage new technologies and develop products that meet the needs of a rapidly changing global marketplace.

Science and Technology Center

Conducts state-of-the-art, high energy and condensed matter research for the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, the Gordon Institute, the Center for Science and Mathematics Teaching, and the Dudley Wright Center for Science Education.

Center for Science and Mathematics Teaching

Improves the teaching and learning of science in the nation’s schools and universities; develops curricula, software, and hardware computer tools that allow students to actively participate in their own learning.

Wright Center for Innovative Science Education

Dedicated to creating and sharing novel instructional techniques and interdisciplinary resources for pre-college teachers of science and mathematics.

Tissue Engineering Resource Center (TERC)

Designed to advance the fundamental basis and clinical aspects of tissue engineering, to provide training for investigators and dissemination of scientific findings and new techniques.

Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development

Provides strategic information for drug developers, regulators, and policy markers on improving the quality and efficiency of pharmaceutical research, development and utilization.

Engineering Project Development Center

Supports the undergraduate engineering curriculum; a project center that enables students to take their projects from the initial idea stage to the final product and presentation.

Cancer Center

Strives to heal, comfort, teach, learn and seek knowledge to promote health and prevent disease.

Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance

Investigates common biologic themes in the adaptation responses of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells to environmental signals and hazards.

Center for Gastroenterology Research on Absorptive and Secretory Processes

Promotes research in digestive diseases.

Molecular Cardiology Research Institute

Studies the molecular mechanisms of human disease and the strategies for diagnosis and therapy.

Center for Cognitive Studies

Coordinates the efforts of experts in different fields working on empirical and conceptual problems of cognition and related topics and focuses on the elaboration and confirmation of a theory of human consciousness, including neuropsychological, psycholinguistic, and artificial intelligence models of both normal and pathological phenomena of consciousness.

Center for Field Analytical Studies and Technology

Facilitates the research, development, commercialization, and use of new field analytical techniques, establishes an environment for instrument development and validation, and organizes educational programs that encourage the use of new field technologies.

Thermal Analysis of Materials Processing Laboratory

Focuses on thermal issues in materials processing by combining expertise in heat transfer, fluid mechanics, materials science and manufacturing; conducts state-of-the-art interdisciplinary research and educates professionals for careers in this rapidly growing multidisciplinary area.

Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development

Creates programs and projects that use the framework of applied developmental science to promote healthy, positive development among diverse children, adolescents, families, and communities.

Center for Vision Research

Supports research and educational activities conducted by more than 30 vision scientists at Tufts and Tufts-New England Medical Center; fosters collaborative interaction and translational research; and attracts well-trained scientists to do research on the visual system and its diseases.

Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology

The TCRDB is home to basic and translational research using interdisciplinary approaches to make fundamental advances in regeneration, cancer, and birth defects. The TCRDB integrates molecular physiology, cell biology, developmental genetics, biophysics, computer science, and engineering to understand the storage and processing of information in living tissues.

Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute

Tufts CTSI accelerates translation of laboratory research into clinical use, medical practice and health policy. It connects people to research resources, consultation, and education, and fosters collaboration with scholars of all disciplines and with community members, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of the public.

Animals and Environment

Center on Agriculture, Food, and Environment

Addresses community food security through agriculture by developing direct farmer-to-consumer links, improving access to high-quality food for city residents, and supporting growers who practice environmentally responsible agriculture.

Center for Conservation Medicine

Focuses on the health relationships occurring at the interface of humans, animals, and ecosystems.

Center for Animals and Public Policy

Promotes the welfare of animals and improves human/animal relationships. Students and faculty investigate a broad range of issues and research topics, including pet overpopulation, veterinary forensics, wildlife management policies and professional ethics.

Global Development and Environment Institute

Promotes a better understanding of how societies can pursue their economic and community goals in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner.

Tufts Institute of the Environment

Focuses on environmental research, technology, policy development, and education to improve environmental quality as it relates to human health.

Water: Systems, Science, and Society (WSSS) Research and Graduate Education Program

Promotes the stewardship of water resources for sustainable use and human and ecological health through research, education, and outreach activities.

Water and Environmental Research, Education and Applications Solutions Network (WE REASoN)

WE REASoN emphasizes interdisciplinary collaborative partnership to address contemporary problems of environmental hydrology focusing on scarcity and abundance of water. An overreaching goal of the REASON center is how to conceptually and quantitatively relate issues of scales within the context of “Act locally but think globally.”

Provost Supported

Talloires European Center

Offers academic programs for college undergraduates, high school students, alumni and adult learners. Hosts a variety of international conferences, all of which aid in facilitating and promoting international understanding. The European Center is based on the University’s campus in Talloires, France.

Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies

Creates an academic environment for the promotion of greater understanding of the rich heritage of the Eastern Mediterranean, and of the significant challenges this region faces at the beginning of the 21st century.

Tufts Institute of the Environment

Focuses on environmental research, technology, policy development, and education to improve environmental quality as it relates to human health.

Institute for Global Leadership

Prepares new generations of critical thinkers for effective and ethical national and international leadership. The mission of the Institute is accomplished through its intensive engagement of students in classes, global research, internships, workshops, simulations and international symposia — all involving national and international leaders from both the public and private sectors.

Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching

The university-wide center for teaching and learning, CELT collaborates among campuses to promote faculty excellence. The center facilitates faculty professional development through seminars and workshops, offers individual faculty consultations, and provides electronic and print resources to support faculty programs.