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University Seminars

Provost and Senior Vice President Jamshed Bharucha has initiated an exciting new cross-school program called the University Seminar. The University Seminar will be a team-taught class that involves students and faculty from multiple schools studying a major societal problem (such as AIDS or climate change) from the perspective of various disciplines. The class will be directed by at least two faculty members from at least two schools.
Undergraduates in Arts & Sciences and Engineering, as well as students from our graduate and professional schools, will be able to enroll and receive credit for the course. The end product will be a collaborative, student-authored, web-based summary of knowledge and research. Information sessions at each of the schools will be announced early in the semester. Faculty who are interested in proposing a seminar for the 2008-09 academic year can get more information and download the request for applications from the Provost’s Office website. 

The University-wide Committee on Teaching and Faculty Development, along with the Office of the Provost, will announce the selected University Seminars on November 14, 2007.  Please check back for more information.