Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
Hugh R. Roome, Chair, A74, F77, AG74, FG80, A11P, F15P
Tufts Trustee Emeritus
Chairman of the Board
Alliance for Young Artists and Writers
Scholastic, Inc.
New York, NY
Emily D. Andersen, V17
ComfortABLE Critters Veterinary Care PLLC
Bethel, CT
M. Sawkat Anwer, A02P, E04P, V08P
Kamini Healthcare Foundation
Ishurdi, Bangladesh
Distinguished Fellow
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, MA
Stephen E. Binder
Binder Capital Advisors, LLC
Lincoln, MA
Richard Cole, Esq.
Stonington, CT
Robert F. Croce
Wellesley, MA
John H. de Jong, A78, V85
Tufts Trustee Emeritus
Boston Mobile Veterinary Clinic
Weston, MA
Jonathan H. Epstein, V02, MG02
Vice President for Science & Outreach
EcoHealth Alliance
New York, NY
Martin V. Haspel
Westborough, MA
Karen Jones Squires, V19P
Atlanta, GA
Janet Kovak McClaran, V98
Veterinary Surgeon
Animal Medical Center
New York, NY
George A. Kramer, V86
Diplomate ACVIM & Medical Director
Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists
Bohemia, NY
Hugh M. Mainzer, V90
Supervisory Preventive Medicine Officer
US Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Preparedness and Response
Atlanta, GA
David McGrath, V86, AG83, A11P, A15P, F19P
Tufts Trustee Emeritus
CEO and Founder
Northeast Veterinary Partners
Sean Padgett
Grafton, MA
Alexander C. Robb, V13
Medical Director
Goodheart Animal Health Centers
Denver, CO
Barry R. Sloane
Needham, MA
Cynthia Smith, V99
Tufts Trustee
Executive Director & Chief Medical Officer
National Marine Mammal Foundation
San Diego, CA
Tiina Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Tiina Smith Jewelry
Boston, MA
Emeritus Members of the Board
Stephen J. Browne
President & Founder
The Stanton Group, Inc.
Charlestown, MA
Katherine Dolan, A08P
Little Compton, RI
Paul C. Gambardella
Ramsey, NJ
Diana L. Johnson
Montclair, NJ
Steven G. Marton, E06P
Co-Founder & Manager
VisioCap, LLC
New York, NY
Howard E. Rubin
Chief Executive Officer
Brightheart Veterinary Centers
Armonk, NY
Elizabeth (Betsy) Banks Saul
Heal House Call Veterinarian
Chapel Hill, NC
Gabriel Schmergel, V98P
Sarasota, FL
Eve Lloyd Thompson
Tufts Trustee
Treasurer & Secretary
Bernice Barbour Foundation, Inc.
Wellington, FL
Francine Trull, AG80
Federation for Biomedical Research
National Association for Biomedical Research
Washington, DC